How to upload a file to Lenovo Data Center support
How to upload a file to Lenovo Data Center support
How to upload a file to Lenovo Data Center support
This article describes the procedure you should follow to send non-secure data to Lenovo support personnel.
Applicable Systems
All Lenovo Systems
Collecting and sending in logs is a normal part of the Problem Determination Process. Support will require log collection data that represents the problem at hand. You can use the Lenovo Upload Tool to submit logs by following the steps set out below.
- Visit the Lenovo Log Upload Page
- You will need the following information to properly upload logs:
- Case Number
- Machine Type
- Serial Number
- Email Address
Fill in as much of the requested information as possible.
The more information that you supply, the easier it will be to search for your uploaded files.
It is also highly recommended that you enter your email address so support personnel can contact you if more information is needed.
- Click Browse and select the files you wish to upload.
Multiple files can be selected together, and if you prefer, you can also drag and drop files into the window.
Note: The following file types are NOT supported: com, exe, p7s, sh, cmd, bat, iso, rpm, deb, asp, aspx, pl, pm, cgi, js.
- All selected files should be shown in the window on the left side.
- Select the check box to agree to the Terms and Conditions, and then click Submit.
- After the files have completed uploading, you should receive a success notice.