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Firmware is essential to the operation of a server. It controls every single hardware component found in the server; from the onboard chipset to the built-in modules, to the add-on adapters and drives, and all the way up to the entire system, including the self-contained management controller.
Updating the firmware and drives on a regular schedule is the recommended best practice for several reasons:
It achieves the highest-level hardware availability.
It enables you to proactively apply the latest bug fixes before your systems are affected by them.
It increases security, compatibility, and system uptime.
This document introduces the methods used to update firmware for Lenovo ThinkSystem products. Lenovo provides a series of tools to help you update firmware. This landing page introduces these update tools and lists the relevant “How to” articles, so you have the resources you need to update firmware on your server. These tools allow you to use a graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface (CLI) to update firmware versions, whether or not you have an Internet connection.
Click on the Server tile for Lenovo server products or run a search by specifying a server model with machine type: Using Server tile
For example, to find ThinkSystem SR630 V2, Type 7Z71:
Click the Server button -> for Series, select ThinkSystem -> for Subseries, select SR630 V2 for Machine Type ->for Machine Type, select Type 7Z71.
Using Search box
Enter keywords in the Search box: for example, ThinkSystem SR630 V2 or simply Type 7Z71. Search keywords are case-insensitive.
Select SR630 V2, Type 7Z71 from the drop-down menu.
This will take you to the product home page of this server.
On the server's Product Home page:
Click Drivers & Software on the left navigation menu.
For system firmware, select UEFI/BIOS or LXCC tiles for the latest UEFI/BIOS or LXCC packages for your server.
You can also search using keywords such as drivers, GPU, RAID, LXCC, etc. to locate the software you need.
Download software packages for your server.
For example: RAID Controller
For a step-by-step guide of how to locate and download all available firmware/drivers for your Lenovo DCG products, click this Acquiring Firmware/Drivers link or on the tab by the same name at the top of this page.
Use the following scenarios to quickly access the section that best suits your current environment.
Match the options in the first column, and then choose the correct product column to find links for tools and steps.
Use the BoMCtool to create a bootable media image on an Internet-connected workstation. Then, remotely mount to the XCC/BMC management console to let the server boot from the mount and apply the updates.
Access the XCC/BMC remote console to use LXPM to apply firmware updates. This is applicable when a firmware package is stored in a shared network folder.
Use the BoMC tool to create a bootable media image on an Internet-connected workstation. Then run the BoMC bootable media on the target server.
Download the firmware packages on an Internet-connected workstation and copy out to a USB drive. Then, use the LXPM on the target server to apply the firmware update on the target server.
Use OneCLI or UpdateXpress to create a local repository on an Internet-connected workstation to acquire the package and copy out to a USB drive. Then run OneCLI or UpdateXpress on the target server.
This section provides links to the applicable Lenovo Management Tools with brief descriptions.
XCC is the next-generation management controller that replaces the baseboard management controller (BMC) for Lenovo ThinkSystem servers. The XCC firmware update options allow users to update the system firmware, adapter firmware, and PSU firmware or to update from the repository.
XCC also provides support for the industry-standard Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API. The Redfish API can be used to access XCC data and services from applications running outside of the XCC. This allows for easy integration of Lenovo XCC capabilities into Lenovo or 3rd party software. Redfish uses RESTful interface semantics and JSON resource payloads to perform system management via the HTTPS protocol.
The XCC firmware update option allows users to update the system firmware (UEFI, XCC, LXPM), adapter firmware, and PSU firmware.
TSM is the Web-based interface for the baseboard management controller (BMC) of the server. You can use TSM to access the BMC and apply BMC management options.
Only SR635 and SR655 support TSM.
LXCA is a centralized, resource-management solution that simplifies infrastructure management, speeds responses, and enhances the availability of Lenovo® server systems and solutions. It runs as a virtual appliance that automates discovery, inventory, tracking, monitoring, and provisioning for server, network, and storage hardware in a secure environment.
OneCLI is a collection of several command-line applications, and it can be used to configure the server, collect service data for the server, update firmware and device drivers, and perform power-management functions on the server.
The LXPM firmware update option allows users to update the system firmware (UEFI, XCC, LXPM), Windows driver bundle, and Linux driver bundle.
LXPM is a UEFI application embedded tool. LXPM combines the functions of configuring a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), configuring a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), and updating applications and firmware. It also enables you to install the supported operating systems and associated device drivers, run diagnostics, and collect service data.
UpdateXpress is used to apply a firmware/driver update within the target server operating system, and to periodically refresh firmware and drivers.
BoMC is ideal for a pre-operating -system firmware update method to create a bootable media suitable for firmware updates, VPD updates, inventory and FFDC collection, advanced system configuration, FoD Keys management, secure erase, RAID configuration, and diagnostics on supported ThinkSystem, System x, BladeCenter systems, and storage platforms.
Lenovo XClarity Controller (XCC/BMC) Firmware Download: Version "tei3d2v-5.46",OS Independent.
Read the change history file for a list of supported server for this firmware version.
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